IEEE Mysore Subsection

Guidelines to Authors

Below are some useful instructions to assist the authors to submit their papers for 2025 IEEE CONECCT

Papers submitted to 2025 IEEE CONECCT shall contain original work by the author(s) that have not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. The IEEE anti- plagiarism policy is applicable to all submissions. The author(s) are solely responsible for any plagiarized submission.

All papers are required to be prepared and submitted in the IEEE Standard two –column conference format of A4 size in English. Papers must be four to six pages in length, including texts, Figures, photographs and references. Literature review only papers are not accepted. Any submitted paper that exceeds six pages will be rejected. The first page must include the title of the paper, author(s), affiliations, address and text. Please do not include page numbers on submitted documents. Failing to conform to the standard format will result in rejection. Detailed format information is available in IEEE Website. Click here

The authors are required to use the standard IEEE manuscript template for conferences. The Microsoft Word and LaTeX templates can be downloaded from IEEE conference template page: Click here

All papers must be submitted in PDF Document via CMT Platform

The submitting authors may be required to create a CMT account before uploading the paper (if the submitting author does not have a CMT account). While uploading the paper, the authors should provide the title of the paper, an abstract of no more than 250 words in the respective text boxes in the paper submission page.

Please note that all accepted papers that are registered and presented in the conference will be sent for possible inclusion in IEEE Xplore. The authors must agree to the IEEE copyright conditions and sign the IEEE copyright form as part of the online submission process. All submitted papers will be peer reviewed by the Technical Progam Committees (TPC).

Camera Ready and Copyright

Authors are requested to upload the camera ready. Authors need to complete the following steps:

  1. All final paper submissions must be electronic, using IEEE Xplore compliant PDF format (*.pdf). Failure to do so may result in the rejection of the paper. Authors are requested to upload the camera ready in CMT
  2. Type 3 fonts (bitmaps) will not be accepted. Authors can use the IEEE PDF eXpress to generate compliant PDF Files for final submission.

  3. Prepare final manuscript STRICTLY according to IEEE template. Failing which, we will not submit your manuscript to Xplore. Template can be found here. Preferably, use US Letter. Manuscript Templates for Conference Proceedings:
  4. Length of manuscript should be maximum 6 pages
  5. Format and verify your manuscript using IEEE PDF eXpress™ to generate IEEE Xplore®-compliant PDF.
    RESOURCES IEEE PDF eXpress: A freely available online tool designed to assist conference organizers and authors in complying with the IEEE PDF requirements (In case, you need conference id to use PDFXpress, please use this – 65861X
  6. Get and upload your IEEE Electronic Copyright Form (eCF) to CMT.
  7. Upload your camera-ready paper (IEEE Xplore®-compliant PDF or Microsoft Word Document) to CMT, your respective track.
  8. Register for the conference with payment. Registration should be done before camera ready upload.